There is no better way to begin than with the man who took the Mr. Olympia title SEVEN times. SEVEN TIMES PEOPLE.
Arnie is the ultimate bodybuilder for me:
57 inch chest: CHECK
Dense and defined back: CHECK
Apollian physique: CHECK
Sharp abs: CHECK
Sexy accent: CHECK
I mean I could go on.
But compared with the bodybuilders of today, Arnie really does stand out. I mean who would place Dorian Yates, a freaky, bloated gut and roid-loaded overdeveloped body in front of Arnie?

Nope didn't think so.
The Golden age of Bodybuilding is where it's at for me, the likes of; Richard Baldwin, Chris Dickerson and George Eiferman and Arnie. Those guys had class. And body, not just in physique but also in their moustaches.

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